Welcome to the
Schoharie County Amateur Radio Association
146.610 MHz, negative offset, PL 123.0
449.275 MHz, negative offset, PL 123.0
Location - Petersburg Mountain , Cobleskill, NY
Grid: FN22sp
Southern District of the ARRL Northern NY Section
The volunteer members of the Schoharie County Amateur Radio Association (SCARA) would like to welcome you to our website. You too can be a part of this association of licensed amateur radio operators in and around Schoharie County in upstate New York. We also have members who are not licensed but have a general interest in “ham” radio. Our goal is to enjoy all aspects of the amateur radio and to assist others to enhance their knowledge, skills and enjoyment related to the hobby. SCARA is also a Not-For-Profit, 501[c]3 organization meaning donations made to the organization are tax deductible.
As items are added to the website there will be a notice shown here. Updates to the “Events”, “Calendar”, and “Association Members” will be made whenever information is received and will not necessarily be posted here.
There will be amateur radio license training program on March 29th & 30th (with testing on the 30th) at the Schoharie Fire Department. Contact Matt, NQ2U@outlook.com or call/text at 518.519.0743. Click here for the Flyer
As a licensed amateur radio operator, and member of the association, you can be actively participating in our variety of events throughout the year such as the annual ARRL Field Days, various contests, community demonstrations and community service. You would also be an interictal part of our association by participating in monthly meetings. Some members are also involved with the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), , Northern New York Section of ARRL, Parks on the Air (POTA) as well as other radio associations and clubs located throughout the northeast. Like ham radio operators throughout the world our members are always willing to assist other (members and non-members alike) to improve their knowledge and skills.
Your association also maintains a repeater which is located on Petersburg Mountain near Cobleskill., The 2 meter unit is WA2ZWM operating on 146.610 MHz with a negative offset and PL 123.0. Our 70 centimeter unit, KW2Y, operates on 445.075 MHz with a tone of 100.0. The repeaters are linked meaning you can transmit on one frequency and it can be heard and replied to on the other frequency. The system is also designed to mirror and out going message and hear it back to help make sure your station is operating properly.
Interested in Emergency Communications?
You can further volunteer in our efforts to meet the needs of our emergency communications to our communities in time of need. We know there are times when more traditional means of communications fail. Amateur radio often fills that gap. We will provide training and practice sessions so you can be an effective operator. Our involvement includes: ARES (Amateur Emergency Radio Service) , RACES (Amateur Radio Civil Emergency Service), and SKYWARN (a weather tracking and reporting program of the National Weather Service). There is the possibility that we will also be expanding to include MARS (Military Auxiliary Radio Service). We invite you to explore our Emergency Communication pages. The association maintains a working relationship with the Schoharie County Office of Emergency Management.
How about Morse Code?
We have a group dedicated to CW (continuous wave) communications. This group conducts practice sessions almost on a daily basis. Their “net” is conducted at slow speed with the goal of improving one’s skill and speed. The group will adjust their speed to the slowest person on the net. The members are never hesitant to help anyone interested in learning Morse Code.
Want Your “Ham” License or to upgrade to a higher level?
Your association provides opportunities throughout the year, thanks to our Volunteer Examiners, to take the requires examinations. We have also conducted a “crash course” designed to help individuals prepare for the Technician class license. Information can be found on the “Ham Testing” page. The page currently does not show any testing dates. The page will be updated with 2025 sessions as soon as they become available. We also require participants to register for an examination in advance to help our Volunteer Examiners prepare Your Volunteer Examiners will also assist you in becoming a VE should you wish to contribute to future amateur radio operators.
The Association meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm
Schoharie Fire House,
114 Fort Road, Schoharie, NY 12157
Meetings generally run for an hour to an hour and a half depending.
Members are notified via email if there are any changes to the meeting schedule and/or location.
The Officers and Members of the Schoharie County Amateur Radio Association is very appreciative of both the Schoharie Fire House and the Office of Emergency Services for allowing us to use their facilities.
ALTERNATE MEETING LOCATION: On certain occasions the association and or association committees may meet at the Office of Emergency Services located at 2783 State Route 7, Cobleskill, NY 12042. Members will be notified in advance via email when a meeting is to take place at this location. In addition, the information will appear on the calendar.