2022 - Year in Photographs
Pumpkin Patrol - October 30th & 31st
Pumpkin Patrol Participants:
Bert Mayne, KC2ABB - Chairman
John Knoebel, KC2RMD
Dennis Bulger, N2USN
Matt Lacy, KD2TBS (now NQ2U)
Don Macomber, KD2VIU
Tim Rapp, K2TRR
Barbara Valosin, KC2JXZ
Tom Valosin, WB2KLD
Jake VanCleef, KD2QZS
Luke VanCleef, K2LVC
Timothy Murphy Day
October 8th
SCARA had a demonstration and informational booth set up at the
Timothy Murphy Day celebrations in Middleburgh, NY

Annual UHF / VHF Contest
September 10th & 11th
The Association set-up field equipment at the Leonard Mountain Fire Tower in Gilboa, NY

SCARA at the Middleburgh Arts & Crafts Festival July 23rd

Antique Car Show
SCARA had a demonstration and information booth at the 2022 Antique Car Show on July 17th. The show was held at the NYS Power Authority’s Blenheim-Gilboa Visitors Center in North Blenheim, NY. The booth was covered by Matt Lacy, KD2TBS (now NQ2U) and Dennis Bulger, N2USN
Field Days were held at the Carlisle Town Pavilion on Cromie Road in Carlisle, NY. SCARA would like to THANK the Town of Carlisle for allowing us to use their facility.

Technician License Cram Course
On May 13th & 14th , SCARA conducted a Cram Course for individuals preparing to take their Technician License examination.
Trailer Radio Tower Work Session
to the Association Members who assisted with the completion of this important project: Bert - KC2ABB; Tom - WB2KLD; John - KC2RMD;
Matt - KD2TBS (now NQ2U); Lou - KD2UHG; Tim - K2TRR; and Rick - K2BNE

Amateur Radio in Australia
Ham Radio Down-Unda
Following the Association’s February meeting, Tom Valosin, WB2KLD, gave a presentation on Amateur Radio in Australia. Tom (and wife Barbara Valosin) have family who live there. Tom also holds an Australia Amateur Radio License - VK2RSG